Ocicats are hypoallergenic

The term "hypoallergenic" in this case means that they have lower levels of the protein "Fel D1," which is a primary trigger for allergies in humans. As a result, they may cause less severe allergic reactions compared to some other cat breeds. However, there are seven other known cat proteins that can also induce allergies in people. Since it's challenging to determine which specific proteins an individual may be allergic to, we cannot guarantee that you won't be allergic to one of our cats. Nevertheless, many individuals with allergies have reported reduced allergic reactions to Ocicats compared to other breeds.

Allergy sufferers should consider selecting from the darker colors like Tawny, Blue, Chocolate, Lavender, Cinnamon, Solid Ebony Ghost Spot, or Fawn as these are the colors that have been shown to have decreased Fel D1. Some studies suggest that silver Ocicats (cats with the white undercoat) may not be hypoallergenic.

To help you assess potential allergies, we can provide you with a hair sample from our cats. Please keep in mind that this sample cannot replace a visit to an allergist for a definitive determination, but it has been helpful for many people. If you'd like a dander sample, you can PayPal us $10.00 at CosmicSpots@gmail.com, please include your name and address, and we will send it right out to you.

Here are some additional tips from Cosmic Spots for allergy sufferers:

1. Weekly Bathing: Bathing your cat weekly can reduce indoor cat allergens by up to 45%, although this can be quite a challenge.

2. Use Allergen-Reducing Products:  

Consider using products like Allerpet or other allergen-reducing solutions. Wiping down your cat's fur weekly with Allerpet can help reduce the amount of allergens on your cat's fur.

Click Here to order Allerpet Cat Dander Remover

3. Use Washable Throws or Blankets: Place washable throws or blankets in the area where your cat sleeps, washing them weekly to reduce allergens.


4. Vacuum with HEPA Filter Vacuum: Regularly vacuum your home with a vacuum cleaner equipped with a HEPA filter helps reduce environmental allergens.

Click Here to order Dyson HEPA filter cordless vacuum

5. Wet Mop Hard Floors: Wet mopping hard floors can help capture allergens.

6. Delegate Litter Box Duty: If possible, get someone else to handle litter box cleaning as some of the highest levels of allergens are found in the box.

7. Proper Litter Box Placement: Place the litter box away from frequently occupied spaces.

8. Choose Allergy-Friendly Litter: Select a cat litter that is easy on allergy sufferers, such as low dust crystal litters or "Fresh News" (compacted paper pellets).  

How to use paper litter: Using recycled paper litter is a little different than using clumping litter. To start out, put about 2 inches of litter in the box. After day one, scoop solids and remove any corner that looks wet (pellets will be swollen). Cats usually go in the same corner, so it is easy to identify. On day 2, dump the entire box and start over.

Click Here to order Fresh News Litter

9. Keep Cats Out of the Bedroom: Maintain a cat-free zone in your bedroom. Because you spend a significant amount of time there, it is important to keep it allergen free.

10. Consult an Allergist: See an allergist and consider allergy shots or under-the-tongue drops for desensitization to cat allergens.

11. Invest in HEPA Filters: HEPA filters can effectively remove fine particles, including cat dander, from the air. Consider placing them in various rooms.

Click Here to order your a Honeywell HEPA Filter

12. Spaying and Neutering: Studies have shown that spayed and neutered cats have lower levels of Fel D1, so ensure your cat is spayed or neutered.

Hope you found this helpful!